
Be here, we are going to write an integer array class from scratch that implements most of the common functionality that containers should have. This array class is going to be a value container, which will hold copies of the elements it’s organizing. As the name suggests, the container will hold an array of integers, similar to std::vector.


First, let’s create the IntArray.h file:


#ifndef INTARRAY_H#define INTARRAY_Hclass IntArray{};#endif

Our IntArray is going to need to keep track of two values: the data itself, and the size of the array. Because we want our array to be able to change in size, we’ll have to do some dynamic allocation, which means we’ll have to use a pointer to store the data.


#ifndef INTARRAY_H#define INTARRAY_Hclass IntArray{private: int m_length{}; int* m_data{};};#endif

Now we need to add some constructors that will allow us to create IntArrays. We are going to add two constructors: one that constructs an empty array, and one that will allow us to construct an array of a predetermined size.


#ifndef INTARRAY_H#define INTARRAY_H#include // for assert()class IntArray{private: int m_length{}; int* m_data{};public: IntArray() = default; IntArray(int length): m_length{ length } { assert(length >= 0); if (length > 0) m_data = new int[length]{}; }};#endif

We’ll also need some functions to help us clean up IntArrays. First, we’ll write a destructor, which simply deallocates any dynamically allocated data. Second, we’ll write a function called erase(), which will erase the array and set the length to 0.


~IntArray(){ delete[] m_data; // we don’t need to set m_data to null or m_length to 0 here, since the object will be destroyed immediately after this function anyway}void erase(){ delete[] m_data; // We need to make sure we set m_data to nullptr here, otherwise it will // be left pointing at deallocated memory! m_data = nullptr; m_length = 0;}

Now let’s overload the [] operator so we can access the elements of the array. We should bounds check the index to make sure it’s valid, which is best done using the assert() function. We’ll also add an access function to return the length of the array. Here’s everything so far:


#ifndef INTARRAY_H#define INTARRAY_H#include // for assert()class IntArray{private: int m_length{}; int* m_data{};public: IntArray() = default; IntArray(int length): m_length{ length } { assert(length >= 0); if (length > 0) m_data = new int[length]{}; } ~IntArray() { delete[] m_data; // we don’t need to set m_data to null or m_length to 0 here, since the object will be destroyed immediately after this function anyway } void erase() { delete[] m_data; // We need to make sure we set m_data to nullptr here, otherwise it will // be left pointing at deallocated memory! m_data = nullptr; m_length = 0; } int& operator[](int index) { assert(index >= 0 && index < m_length); return m_data[index]; } int getLength() const { return m_length; }};#endif

At this point, we already have an IntArray class that we can use. We can allocate IntArrays of a given size, and we can use the [] operator to retrieve or change the value of the elements.


However, there are still a few thing we can’t do with our IntArray. We still can’t change its size, still can’t insert or delete elements, and we still can’t sort it.


First, let’s write some code that will allow us to resize an array. We are going to write two different functions to do this. The first function, reallocate(), will destroy any existing elements in the array when it is resized, but it will be fast. The second function, resize(), will keep any existing elements in the array when it is resized, but it will be slow.


// reallocate resizes the array. Any existing elements will be destroyed. This function operates quickly.void reallocate(int newLength){ // First we delete any existing elements erase(); // If our array is going to be empty now, return here if (newLength m_length) ? m_length : newLength }; // Now copy the elements one by one for (int index{ 0 }; index < elementsToCopy; ++index) data[index] = m_data[index]; } // Now we can delete the old array because we don't need it any more delete[] m_data; // And use the new array instead! Note that this simply makes m_data point // to the same address as the new array we dynamically allocated. Because // data was dynamically allocated, it won't be destroyed when it goes out of scope. m_data = data; m_length = newLength;}

Whew! That was a little tricky!


Many array container classes would stop here. However, just in case you want to see how insert and delete functionality would be implemented we’ll go ahead and write those too. Both of these algorithms are very similar to resize().


void insertBefore(int value, int index){ // Sanity check our index value assert(index >= 0 && index <= m_length); // First create a new array one element larger than the old array int* data{ new int[m_length+1] }; // Copy all of the elements up to the index for (int before{ 0 }; before < index; ++before) data[before] = m_data[before]; // Insert our new element into the new array data[index] = value; // Copy all of the values after the inserted element for (int after{ index }; after = 0 && index < m_length); // If this is the last remaining element in the array, set the array to empty and bail out if (m_length == 1) { erase(); return; } // First create a new array one element smaller than the old array int* data{ new int[m_length-1] }; // Copy all of the elements up to the index for (int before{ 0 }; before < index; ++before) data[before] = m_data[before]; // Copy all of the values after the removed element for (int after{ index+1 }; after < m_length; ++after) data[after-1] = m_data[after]; // Finally, delete the old array, and use the new array instead delete[] m_data; m_data = data; –m_length;}// A couple of additional functions just for conveniencevoid insertAtBeginning(int value) { insertBefore(value, 0); }void insertAtEnd(int value) { insertBefore(value, m_length); }

If we want to initialize a array with values, we can do so directly via the initializer list syntax.


The IntArray class also can have a constructor with an initializer list.


As a result, std::initializer_list can be used to implement constructors, assignment operators, and other functions that accept a list initialization parameter. std::initailizer_list lives in the header.


IntArray(std::initializer_list list) // allow IntArray to be initialized via list initialization: IntArray(static_cast(list.size())) // use delegating constructor to set up initial array{// Now initialize our array from the listint count{ 0 };for (auto element : list){m_data[count] = element;++count;}}

Here is our IntArray container class in its entirety.



#ifndef INTARRAY_H#define INTARRAY_H#include // for assert()class IntArray{private: int m_length{}; int* m_data{};public: IntArray() = default; IntArray(int length): m_length{ length } { assert(length >= 0); if (length > 0) m_data = new int[length]{}; }IntArray(std::initializer_list list) // allow IntArray to be initialized via list initialization: IntArray(static_cast(list.size())) // use delegating constructor to set up initial array{// Now initialize our array from the listint count{ 0 };for (auto element : list){m_data[count] = element;++count;}} ~IntArray() { delete[] m_data; // we don’t need to set m_data to null or m_length to 0 here, since the object will be destroyed immediately after this function anyway } void erase() { delete[] m_data; // We need to make sure we set m_data to nullptr here, otherwise it will // be left pointing at deallocated memory! m_data = nullptr; m_length = 0; } int& operator[](int index) { assert(index >= 0 && index < m_length); return m_data[index]; } // reallocate resizes the array. Any existing elements will be destroyed. This function operates quickly. void reallocate(int newLength) { // First we delete any existing elements erase(); // If our array is going to be empty now, return here if (newLength m_length) ? m_length : newLength }; // Now copy the elements one by one for (int index{ 0 }; index = 0 && index <= m_length); // First create a new array one element larger than the old array int* data{ new int[m_length+1] }; // Copy all of the elements up to the index for (int before{ 0 }; before < index; ++before) data[before] = m_data[before]; // Insert our new element into the new array data[index] = value; // Copy all of the values after the inserted element for (int after{ index }; after = 0 && index < m_length); // If we're removing the last element in the array, we can just erase the array and return early if (m_length == 1) { erase(); return; } // First create a new array one element smaller than the old array int* data{ new int[m_length-1] }; // Copy all of the elements up to the index for (int before{ 0 }; before < index; ++before) data[before] = m_data[before]; // Copy all of the values after the removed element for (int after{ index+1 }; after < m_length; ++after) data[after-1] = m_data[after]; // Finally, delete the old array, and use the new array instead delete[] m_data; m_data = data; –m_length; } // A couple of additional functions just for convenience void insertAtBeginning(int value) { insertBefore(value, 0); } void insertAtEnd(int value) { insertBefore(value, m_length); } int getLength() const { return m_length; }};#endif

Now, let’s test it just to prove it works:


#include #include “IntArray.h”int main(){ // Declare an array with 10 elements IntArray array(10); // Fill the array with numbers 1 through 10 for (int i{ 0 }; i<10; ++i) array[i] = i+1; // Resize the array to 8 elements array.resize(8); // Insert the number 20 before element with index 5 array.insertBefore(20, 5); // Remove the element with index 3 array.remove(3); // Add 30 and 40 to the end and beginning array.insertAtEnd(30); array.insertAtBeginning(40); // Print out all the numbers for (int i{ 0 }; i

This produces the result:

40 1 2 3 5 20 6 7 8 30

Although writing container classes can be pretty complex, the good news is that you only have to write them once. Once the container class is working, you can use and reuse it as often as you like without any additional programming effort required.


It is also worth explicitly mentioning that even though our sample IntArray container class holds a built-in data type (int), we could have just as easily used a user-defined type (e.g. a Point class).


One more thing: If a class in the standard library meets your needs, use that instead of creating your own. For example, instead of using IntArray, you’re better off using std::vector. It’s battle tested, efficient, and plays nicely with the other classes in the standard library. But sometimes you need a specialized container class that doesn’t exist in the standard library, so it’s good to know how to create your own when you need to. We’ll talk more about containers in the standard library once we’ve covered a few more fundamental topics.



16.6 — Container classes


上一篇 2022年6月16日
下一篇 2022年6月16日


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