
作者 律祥君 律源

Let’s talk again about the formation of the universe and particle phenomena

Lǜ -xiangjun Lǜ-yuan


Our universe is a sea of particles formed by subatomic particle from primordial black holes, This ocean is filled with particles in various ionic states formed from subatomic particles,They’re in a plasma state,The cosmic background radiation is the radiation waves formed by these particles, It’s the only way to be isotropic. Atoms are closed crystals of plasma bound together,The same atoms form pure matter,Different atoms form compound molecules,Different molecules come together to form mixtures,They reaggregate into larger objects based on homogenous compatibility and electromagnetism. The expansion of the universe is primordial black holes erupting all the time,It makes the particles in the universe increase.All galaxies in the universe are now moving towards the primordial black hole under the gravitational pull of the primordial black hole.Black holes where stars form are secondary black holes, Is the result of material regression, It has two destinations,One is to react with matter in the universe and become particles,Some of it is transformed into invisible energy,The other is that the black hole merges to form a bigger black hole merges with the original black hole,But eventually if it disappears completely it becomes invisible energy,Complete a cosmic cycle,Or they could merge and go on forever, And form new universes.Here’s how our universe came into being: Invisible energy of the primordial universe—The original black hole—Erupting subatomic particles—Now the universe—star—galaxy—Stellar black holes—原始黑洞—The original universe,So this cycle, In fact, our present universe and matter are intermediates in the cycle of the original universe. This fits pretty much all the laws of physics we’ve discovered so far, It also explains the laws of the universe and the laws of the universe that the Big Bang couldn’t explain.



一、Principle of uncertainty in microscopic particles

The uncertainty principle for microscopic particles occurs because our universe is a sea of particles made of plasma, In this ocean, Particles are moving all the time,Because primordial black holes are spewing out more and more material every moment in the universe,Pushing the particles in the universe,These are not subject to man’s will.Our observations and measurements disturb and interfere with the particles, When you measure momentum you can’t pin the particle down, You can’t measure momentum when you measure position,And we can’t hold particles in place at all.Because the number of particles in the universe is increasing,The universe expands at the speed of light,We can only measure the probability of it appearing at a particular location.And our observation behavior itself has an effect on the particles,Because particles are always in a dynamic equilibrium in the universe,And particles have particle fields,Any observation or disturbance has an effect on the particle or particle field,These are the factors in which the uncertainty principle occurs.

二、量子的纠缠(缠结)(quantum entanglement)


二、quantum entanglement

Microscopic particles are in quantum states,And the quantum states of plasma in absolute equilibrium in the universe,They exist in this big quantum field called the universe,The particles in a quantum field are closely related,The positive and negative particles are equal,If we measure the presence of one of these particles we know the presence of the opposite particle,And knowing the state of the measured particle tells us that the other one is the antistate,Like a pair of gloves if you see a left hand you know there’s a right hand,No matter where the glove of the right hand is,The difference is that the microscopic particles are exactly equal to each other, The difference is that the microscopic particles are heads and tails, Knowing one of these states, Another microscopic quantum state is the antistate,But the status of the other glove we’re not sure about, And quanta are completely related to each other, An opposite particle state should also change,Its state is the opposite of this altered particle, This is the mechanism of quantum entanglement. Quantum in the universe is the absolute equality of positive and negative characters and positive and negative correspondence,Otherwise the universe would not be balanced, The universe would not exist without equilibrium,If you take one quantum out of the universe and the universe disappears,So the exact same number of quanta and the balance of properties are the absolute factors for the existence of the universe,It’s also the mechanism of the law of the indestructibility of matter.

上一篇 2022年8月16日
下一篇 2022年8月16日


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